Next Steps
When you think of the word disciple, is it synonymous with Christian? Are all Christians disciples? Can you be a disciple without being a disciple-maker? At PV, we will define disciple and disciple-making as Jesus did in His call in Matthew 4:19: “‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men.'”
Be with Jesus. Become like Jesus. Do what Jesus did.
- BE WITH JESUS (come, follow me): Abide in Him. Slow down enough to listen to the Spirit, connect with God, and practice being in His presence.
- BECOME LIKE JESUS (and I will make you): Allow the Spirit to transform your heart and help you become a person of deep love for God and for others. A person to whom the teachings of Jesus are second nature.
- DO WHAT JESUS DID (fishers of men): What would Jesus do with your only life if He was walking around in your skin today? How would He love the people in your circles of influence and make new disciples among them? How would He impact the world and your neighborhood?
It sounds simple enough, but how do we really live like Jesus in today’s world? At PV, our goal is to provide Christ-centered, meaningful pathways for disciples to grow and multiply, helping us all become more like Christ and renew the world through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The steps below do not comprehensively cover everything that following Jesus entails, but we hope they will be a helpful tool to point you in the right direction as you seek to follow Jesus deeper each day.
Not sure where to begin? Take the personal assessment below or read through the PV discipleship pathway and resources.

Therefore, encourage each other and build each other up. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
The way of Jesus is not for everyone. But when you are ready, we want to make engaging in this church family as easy as possible. We want to walk together with you through life, encouraging, supporting and challenging each other to grow closer to Christ.
Joining the PV family is a simple first step to growing as a disciple at PV. After that, the real partnering and growth begins. We want to help you identify the gifts God has given you and invite you to learn more about connecting to this church and growing as a disciple.
Engaging in a small group provides opportunities to grow as a disciple and be equipped through spiritual formation and soul care.

We are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory. 1 Corinthians 3:18
Growing as a disciple is much more than attending church. We are patterning our lives after Jesus, growing in community, serving others, giving of our time and resources, and practicing spiritual disciplines.
In your personal walk, a primary tool is developing a “Rule of Life,” a set of rhythms for spiritual formation that help us be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. For more information and resources, see the links below.

I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith. Galatians 2:20
Disciples multiply for the sake of the Gospel. Our experiences at PV and our personal rhythms equip us to share this life with others. Disciples in this phase will be habitually practicing their Rule (or Rythym) of Life, experiencing transformation at the heart level and approaching relationships intentionally, inside and outside the church, with the goal of helping all people move closer to Jesus in their own lives.
To move forward in multiplying disciples, consider leading or supporting a 2:42 Discipling Group, D-Group or Alpha course or get involved in serving in our church or community. For more information CONTACT US or visit a link below.